Vote Yes On Issue 1!

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What will happen if Issue 1 fails?

In states where the current threshold is only 50%+1, out-of-state anti-ag extremists have managed to push their radical agendas through the legislature, placing extreme regulations on farmers and harming rural communities across the state. We can’t risk this happening in Ohio.

What is Issue 1?

Issue 1 is a ballot decision that, if approved, will change the threshold for amending Ohio’s constitution from 50%+1 to 60%, protecting Ohio from big money groups who want to buy influence with a simple majority.

Why is Issue 1 important?

Raising the threshold for amending our constitution will not only align Ohio with other states, as well as the U.S. Constitution, it will give Ohio voters more power to defend the constitution from out-of-state special interests and anti-ag extremists who don’t share our values. Issue 1 protects the voice of Ohio farmers and small business owners.

How do I help pass Issue 1?

Learn about Issue 1, tell your friends and family about it, and be sure to vote! Issue 1 will be decided by Ohio voters so get out and VOTE YES on Tuesday, August 8th.

Vote Yes On Issue 1!